Tuesday, January 1, 2013

BEL 403 on-going marks


My dear BEL 403 students.... here are your on-going marks for this semester. Please check and make sure that you can find your student numbers. If there's any problem, please contact me as soon as possible. All the best for your finals!

BEL403 on-going marks

Monday, December 31, 2012

BEL 432 On-Going Assessment marks


My dear BEL 432 students, here are your on-going assessment marks. Please check whether I have got all your marks correct. If you cannot find your student number in the list, please let me know as soon as possible. And all the best for your Finals!



Thursday, December 27, 2012

My dear BEL 492 students....


As I promised, here are your Presentation #1 marks. If you cannot find your student number, please contact me as soon as possible... Tq








Yes, it's exam time! And for those with finals, the semester break can't come soon enough. For now, though, there's some serious business. Here are 10 expert tips to help prepare you for the dreaded exam room. (source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2010/may/29/top-tips-exam-preparation)

1. Look after yourself

Try to be well rested and well nourished in preparation for exams. "Drink plenty of fluids, eat a good healthy breakfast," advises Professor Sarah Moore, co-author of The Ultimate Study Skills Handbook. "The fresher and more energetic you feel, the more it will support your ability to tackle the cognitive challenges."

2. Plan your work

Some people concentrate better at night, others prefer to be up with the larks. Stick to a consistent working pattern so your mind and body can adjust, and take plenty of short breaks.

3. Know your examiner

Unlike GCSEs and A-Levels, where examination papers are formulated by matriculating exam boards, at university, course lecturers often set the questions – which should help when trying to anticipate them. "The strange thing is, the examiner who sets and marks the paper is a familiar figure," says Kate Williams, editor of Palgrave Macmillan pocket study skills. "It's the same person who designed your course or module, whose lectures you've attended." Hopefully …

4. Be on top of the practicalities

It is easy to forget practical details, so be clear about simple things like start times, venue, equipment, material you can or cannot bring, and so on. "Being on top of all these can make a huge difference in your poise and performance and will help avoid unnecessary last-minute jitters," advises Moore.

5. Get hold of recent exam papers

Go back a few years and consider the kind of questions that came up. Don't assume that these will be on the paper, but look at the relationship between the questions and course content, says Williams. "Is there a question per topic? Are topic areas combined in different ways? What is the style of the question – single focus or direct question, or does your examiner go in for questions with two or more bits?"

6. Try and work out your examiner's marking scheme

"Maybe it's an oversimplification to assume that if the question carries five marks there need to be five points, but this isn't a bad start," says Williams. "Marks are allocated for something."

7. Don't despair

Even if you feel underprepared, you can do a lot with the short time you have left. "Night-before notes can be an active way of capturing, condensing and summarising your exam material," says Moore. "Sketching out short signposts is a great way of gaining last-minute command over some of the trickier aspects of your studies."

8. Tighten up your essay technique

In an exam, it doesn't matter what you know if you can't express it clearly and concisely. Essays should begin with a short introduction stating your position, followed by a series of paragraphs that each make a clear point, and a short conclusion supporting the argument outlined in the intro. "The examiner will be reading fast," points out Williams. "With only three minutes per essay, ease of reading makes for a more cogent argument."

9. Clockwatch

Be aware of what you can realistically do in the allotted time. If you have one hour per question, you might allow around 10 minutes to consider the question and jot down notes, then 45-50 minutes writing time. But don't be tempted to skimp on one question to lavish time on another, urges Williams. "The first 50% of marks in any question are much easier to pick up than the next 20%," she says.

10. Avoid postmortems

As soon as one exam is over, move swiftly to focusing on the next one. "Dwelling on an exam that you have completed wastes energy and time, and will drive you crazy," says Moore. "Remember, be positive, stay calm, and mobilise your energies to do the best job possible on the day."

 All the best for your Finals!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


My dear BEL 432 students, here is the notes on Complaint Letters that I promised you. Please read it and other notes on letters that we have not yet covered in our quizzes for your upcoming tests. All the best!

7Complaint Letters 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My dear BEL 432 students...

Here is the latest notes for our class next week. Please copy it and make printouts for your reference.

Order Letters

Monday, October 29, 2012

Latest notes...


Hope you are having a blast at home... In case you are starting to feel bored, why not fill your days by reading my interesting and surely entertaining class notes. Ahaks...

For my dear BEL 492 (PRESENTATION SKILLS) students... please read up on these 3 additional notes while preparing for your Presentation #1. All the best for your presentation!  

4Presenting the speech.docx

5Effective Presentation.docx 

6Presentation dos and donts.docx 

preparation outline sample.doc 

For my dear BEL 432 (BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE) students... please read up on these notes in preparation for your upcoming quiz. All the best!

4Letters of enquiry.docx 

5Reply to enquiries.docx 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Salam... My dear BEL 432 students,here are the latest notes for class this week. In addition, I have also compiled a table of useful phrases that you should find quite handy when writing business letters. See you in class!